Sunday, February 21, 2010

Building & Maintaining A Professional Reputation

Have you ever heard the phrase, “You’re reputation precedes you”? This is especially true in the entertainment industry. Even with the growth in the industry of new artists, companies, and industry professionals the entertainment industry remains a small and close-nit community. As we enter the entertainment job market and get our names in the industry, we must start building and marinating a professional reputation. This is vital because people in the industry will find out as much information about you as they can before they invest time and money in you. The entertainment industry is tricky in that what others would consider a normal social environment such as a club or party, the entertainment industry would consider a work environment. So, whether in or out of a traditional office setting we must pay attention to a number of areas to have a positive professional reputation.

➢ Dependability
You are indispensable to your employer if they can trust you with an assignment, without having to micro-manage you. Also, if your employer can trust that you will show up when and where they need you.

➢ Accept Responsibility
You need to be able to take credit for successes and the blame for failures. If you take on a project you have to be ready to take on all the issues it comes with, whether they are your fault or not.

➢ Reliability
Reliability implies confidence, thorough knowledge and a positive track record. Reliability again is built over a period of time; if a person is to be looked upon as reliable he should have built that confidence & trust over the years. If a professional has to prove that he is reliable, he should have built up a track record of hard work.

➢ Responsible Conduct
Since a good amount of entertainment business takes place in social settings, you must display responsible conduct. Your company will not be comfortable having you represent them in these situations if your conduct is irresponsible.

All says in the entertainment industry they do a Word-of-Mouth test. This three-prong test answers questions in areas of awareness, “Have you heard of this person?” Reputation, “Can this person help me with my problem or add to my company?” Personal experience, “Have you worked with them or know anyone who has?”

Entertainment Attorney, John Kellogg, says that in this industry people backstab and do under-handed things that they may get away with for awhile. However, people will still talk and say do not work with this person. A person can be at the top of their industry but after doing so much dirt, he/she has no choice but to fall.

The lifestyle that the entertainment industry affords is easy to get sucked into and even easier to get kicked out of. Your reputation is a snap shot of who you are and depending on who is giving their opinion of you it could make or break your career, your dream, your livelihood. So watch how you carry yourself, watch the situations you put yourself in, and watch whom you make “friends” with in this industry.

1 comment:

  1. This is great information! I've been trying for a while now to boost my professional reputation for my business. I will definitely try your tips!
    good reputation

